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Set Up

This section helps to understand the values involved to customize the project and the files generated from the cookiecutter template.

Project customization

During the template installation, you will be asked for some cookiecutter variables to customize your project. You can read more about about these parameters in the next table.

Input parameter Default value Description
project_name "My Python Project" The name of the project as String (you can add spaces and dashes).
project_description "Description in less than 20 words." Description of the project in less than 20 words if possible.
author "Carlos Grande" Name of the author of the project.
github_user "charlstown" The Github username of the author.
repository_name "{{ project_name }}" It's by default the name of the project in lowercase and dashed.
package_name "{{ project_name }}" It's by default the name of the project in lowercase and underscored.
repository_url "{{ github_user }}/{{ repository_name }}" The github url of the future repository.
maintainer "{{ author }}" The maintainer of the project.
license ["MIT", "Apache 2.0", "GNU General Public License", "Custom"] The name of the license
version "0.1.0" Version of the project to be created.
env_name "{{ repository_name }}" Name of the virtual environment path of the project.
python_version "3.10" Python version you ar working on.

Project contents

After the template installation you will have a directory with your project customized and the files ready to start coding.

The Project directory will have the next structure following the rules.

# Project initial contents
├── src/package_name            <- Folder with the package code files.
│   ├──             <- Constructor file.
│   ├──                 <- File with the source code.
│   └──              <- Example class with helpers methods.
├── data                        <- Data used for the project.
│   ├── config.yaml             <- Configuration file.
│   └── logs                    <- Logs folder.
│       └── file.log            <- Logs file from the project.
├── docs                        <- Documentation folder.
│   └── assets                  <- Folder for images and media.
├── tests                       <- Folder for test files.
│   ├──             <- Constructor file.
│   └──             <- Test example file.
├── Dockerfile                  <- Dockerfile to deploy the project.
├──          <- Code of conduct file.
├── LICENSE                     <- LICENSE file.
├──                   <- README file.
└── requirements.txt            <- Requirements file.

Visit the Usage section to learn how your new project customized from the cookicutter template works.