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Welcome to CookieDocs

Create your documentation site in a few minutes

Start now! Access the code


An amazing and user-friendly template to create your documentation sites in a few minutes. This template is developed with the help of Mkdocs, Material theme, and a custom home design with Particle.js library integration.

Quick start

Step 1: Install the cookiecutter package, you can simply run the next command to install it.

pip install cookiecutter

Step 2: Run the cookiecutter command followed by the template repository URL.

python -m cookiecutter
Step 3: Deploy & test your project locally by running these commands.

cd my-cool-site
pip install -r requirements
python -m mkdocs serve -w overrides/

Congrats! 🎆 You finally generated your own Documentation Site! Visit the user guide for more details.

Get Started!

Documentation contents

  • User guide

    If you want to simply create a documentation site as a user you can visit the User Guide to learn how to get started, set up and use this template.

    Visit the guide

  • Dev Guide

    If you want to become a contributor and be part of the project follow this guide.

    Visit the guide


Carlos Grande (@charlstown) - maintainer